Using your (or my!) colour palettes

Okay so you may have noticed I've been getting into colour palettes lately... 
well I like other peoples colour palettes, but sometimes you love an image and just want to make your own! 

I find these images so inspiring - so inspiring I also want to use the colours together in some way...

So how can you use your colour palette? 

Well, any time you're using colour of course... a colour theme for graphics, colour accents in your home, your next painting / knitting / crochet project... you name it.
With each of my palettes I'm also working out the closest match on the DMC thread colour chart, in case you're an embroidering type too....

And that's exactly how I've been using my colour palettes. Here's something I've been working on using the colour palette "Licorice Allsorts" (photo below left courtesy of Caitlin Shearer).

Do you have a favourite colour palette? How do you use it?


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